
Wisma Jerman’s recent cultural programs

Mit seiner Kulturarbeit will Wisma Jerman den interkulturellen Austausch fördern und gleichzeitig ein umfassendes Bild des heutigen Deutschlands vermitteln. Durch das Angebot eines kulturellen Raumes und die Zusammenarbeit mit kulturell aktiven Gruppen und Einzelpersonen unterschiedlicher Herkunft ermöglicht Wisma Jerman den interkulturellen Dialog und die kulturelle Teilhabe. Seit der Gründung von Wisma Jerman wurde eine Reihe von hochinteressanten Kulturprogrammen umgesetzt, die zum Teil aus der Zusammenarbeit mit dem Goethe-Institut entstanden sind, zum Teil aber auch auf Initiative von Wisma Jerman selbst ins Leben gerufen wurden. In den letzten Jahren lag der Schwerpunkt der kulturellen Aktivitäten von Wisma Jerman auf Film, Musik, Kunst und kulturellen Einblicken.

Nachstehend finden Sie einige Informationen über die aktuellen Kulturprogramme von Wisma Jerman.

Hallo, Halle!

Since Februar 2020 this new monthly program format is an informal discussion round which is held every second Samstag of the month. Hallo, Halle! presents trending topics in a fun and entertaining way for the young and young at heart. On some occasions the topics are enhanced with workshops or other activities which actively involve the participants. For this purpose Hallo, Halle! regularly cooperates with organizations and expert speakers. Do you have an idea for a topic which you would like to discuss with our audience at Hallo, Halle!? Feel free to submit your idea to us and we will see how we can develop it together. You can submit your idea to ipung@wisma-jerman.or.id and perhaps you will be our partner for the next Hallo, Halle!. 

Deutsch Kochen!

Besides being known for being a soccer nation, Germany also has a rich culinary tradition and is worldwide famous for its beer and sausages. However, German cuisine has much more to offer to food enthusiasts and cooking lovers. Thus Wisma Jerman invites young and old to join Deutsch Kochen! to explore and learn how to cook delicious typical German dishes. Deutsch Kochen! is a cooking class that is held 3-4 times a year, usual on Samstag mornings. Experienced “chefs” share their knowledge about German dishes and teach participants how to cook them. The dishes vary for each class and afterwards participants can enjoy them together and discuss the results of their efforts.

So what are you waiting for? Register now (bit.ly/WJDEUTSCHKOCHEN) for the next edition of Deutsch Kochen! and master some of Germany’s finest food.

Europa auf dem Bildschirm

Europe on Screen is an annual movie festival that is initiated and organized by the European Union (EU) and held in selected cities in Indonesia. Each yearly edition has one or more particular focus themes. The festival also fosters cooperation between the European and Indonesian creative industries as growing economic sectors. As venue partner of the festival, Wisma Jerman will screen a selection of the finest movie productions from member countries of the EU that show the diversity and uniqueness of the union and its member states. All screenings are free of charge and open to the public.

Tag der offenen Tür

The Wisma Jerman Open House is an event that shouldn’t be missed. Frequent visitors of this event can’t wait to join the quiz rally through the Wisma Jerman premises and enjoy some tasty German food. The Open House is an annually held event where the Wisma Jerman opens its doors to the public. Guests are invited to explore the different rooms and stations which offer a range of activities introducing German language and culture and enabling insights in Wisma Jerman’s activities. Visitors can try themselves at German language in trial courses and mini games or seek consultation about living, working or studying in Germany. All in all it’s a fun day with lots of opportunities to learn something new, make new friends and create long lasting memories.

Deutschschweizer Hochschulmesse (GSHEF)

Seit 2012 veranstaltet Wisma Jerman diese jährliche Studienmesse, die jedes Jahr das Interesse vieler junger Menschen weckt, die mehr über die Möglichkeiten eines Studiums in Deutschland erfahren möchten. Seit 2015 sind auch einige Schweizer Bildungseinrichtungen als Teilnehmer dabei. Seitdem trägt die Veranstaltung den Namen German-Swiss Higher Education Fair (GSHEF). Die GSHEF bietet umfassende Informationen für alle, die ein Studium in Deutschland oder der Schweiz planen, indem sie bildungsbezogene Institutionen und Organisationen aus beiden Ländern an einem Ort zusammenbringt. Die Besucher der GSHEF können sich über die Voraussetzungen für die Einreise in die Europäische Union, die Suche nach den richtigen Hochschulen und Stipendien bis hin zu Informationen über das tägliche Leben und mögliche Herausforderungen in der neuen Umgebung in Deutschland oder der Schweiz informieren.

Deutsches Kino

German Cinema is an annual Goethe-Institut program which is hosted by Wisma Jerman in Surabaya since 2012. This film festival brings the latest German film productions to the big screen in selected cities in Indonesia. The festival regularly draws large crowds to state of the art cinemas and showcases the quality and variety of the German film. All screenings are free of charge and open to the public!

Wissenschaftsfilmfestival (SFF)

The Science Film Festival (SFF) is held in Southeast Asia, South Asia, Sub-Saharan Africa and the Middle East. For more than a decade already, this Goethe-Institut program successfully raises the interest of Indonesian pupils and students in science by presenting scientific topics with easy to understand explanations, visuals and experiments. It is implemented Indonesia wide in cooperation with a large number of partners and supporters. Thus SFF reaches thousands of young people in cities all over the Indonesian archipelago. In Surabaya Wisma Jerman organizes and implements the festival as the main partner of the Goethe-Institut. SFF is conducted at the room Halle at Wisma Jerman and at selected private and public schools, universities or other venues. If you are interested in having the science film festival visit also your school or venue in Surabaya, you can contact us via email to rebeca@wisma-jerman.or.id.

Film im Fokus

This format started out with many different external parties approaching Wisma Jerman for a cooperation. Since all of these different parties were somehow involved with the medium film, the idea was born to bring them all together in one event which covers different aspects of the medium film. Last year’s first edition of Film im Fokus featured several screenings and discussions as well as a film music concert and a film workshop over the course of a week. Besides taking a comprehensive look at the medium film, this format also puts an emphasis on collaboration with different partners both local and from abroad. All activities during Film im Fokus are free of charge and open to the public.


Besides initiating and organizing cultural programs, we also offer the opportunity for third parties to use Wisma Jerman’s auditorium Halle for their own event. The room Halle is equipped with a stage, sound system, LCD projector, interactive display, and seating space for up to 80 pax. Something very special is the original Steinway & Sons piano which makes the room Halle the ideal venue for classical concerts and piano recitals. If you are interested and want to learn more about the requirements for the use of room Halle, you can contact us via email to ipung@wisma-jerman.or.id.