Deutsche Sprachprüfung B1

Die B1-Prüfung bescheinigt, dass die Kandidaten die deutsche Sprache selbstständig anwenden können, und entspricht der dritten Stufe (B1) auf der sechsstufigen Kompetenzskala des Gemeinsamen Europäischen Referenzrahmens für Sprachen (GER).


5 Ags 2024

Coming Soon


22 Ags 2024

21 Okt 2024


Jalan Taman AIS Nasution No. 15 Surabaya, Indonesia

When Do I Need the B1 Certificate?

  1. Studienkolleg
    To qualify for admission to university in germany.

  2. Live & Work
    You want to live and work in germany.

  3. Certificate
    When you need an official and internationally recognized certificate.

Do you need an exam preparation course to boost your skills? Practice with our experienced Goethe-Certificate examiners in a small group. Join the upcoming courses which are offered in the online and offline format. For the levels B1-B2, the course dates are:

Freitag 20.10.2023, 17.00 – 20.30
Samstag 21.10.2023, 15.00 – 18.30
Montag 23.10.2023, 18.00 – 21.30
Mittwoch 25.10.2023, 17.00 – 20.30

Price: 1.500.000 IDR per Person

Group of 5-11 people: 20 TU / Group of 3-4 people: 15 TU
To register for an exam preparation course, please contact us via

Price for Internal: Rp 2.550.000
Price for External: Rp 2.950.000
Slot Available: All = 25
State of Registration: closed