Die B2-Prüfung bescheinigt fortgeschrittene Sprachkenntnisse und entspricht der vierten Stufe (B2) der sechsstufigen Kompetenzskala des Gemeinsamen Europäischen Referenzrahmens für Sprachen (GER). Mit dem Bestehen der B2-Prüfung weisen Sie nach, dass Sie die Hauptinhalte komplexer Texte zu konkreten und abstrakten Themen sowie Fachdiskussionen in Ihrem eigenen Spezialgebiet verstehen können. Sie sind in der Lage, sich so spontan und fließend zu verständigen, dass ein normales Gespräch mit Muttersprachlern ohne große Anstrengung auf beiden Seiten möglich ist. Und Sie können sich klar und detailliert zu aktuellen Fragen äußern, Ihren Standpunkt zu einem aktuellen Thema erläutern und die Vor- und Nachteile verschiedener Optionen darlegen.
German Language Exam B2 Remidi
- Description
When Do I Need the B2 Certificate?
Attend a preparatory course to qualify for admission to university in Germany -
Demonstrate an advanced knowledge of German for employment purposes -
Medical Sector
Prepare to work in the medical sector -
When you need an official and internationally recognized certificate.
Wisma Jerman gives me a chance to grow up in German atmosphere.
The course is challenging because I’ve never learned German before. The lecturers here are keen to help and support me. Several tests during course period sometimes are given to measure our ability. I enjoy my class tremendously. I definitely recommend this course to anyone who wishes to continue their study in Germany.
Rian Maulana
I really enjoy the class. Learning Deutsch makes me know more about Germany; the culture, people, etc. Wisma Jerman gives me good opportunity to deepen my ability of German language. Thank you, Wisma Jerman!
Wilujeng A.P. Tirto Utomo
Wisma Jerman provides adequate learning resources as well as qualified teachers. I could experience Germany itself through some events held here such as the Sommerfest. Superb. Keep up the good work, Wis-Jer!
Bunga Larasati
Learning German can be so much fun at Wisma Jerman, apart from working on the material in the book, we also have game sessions and talk about culture in Germany. And studying here is also not subject to age, really all ages can study at Wisma Jerman
Joyceline Jacqueline Chan
I really like studying at Wisma Jerman with fun learning methods and teachers! I can learn German quickly and easily thanks to the help of Wisma Jerman
I enjoyed learning German at WisJer a lot. The material is easy to understand and also fun because it is mixed with games. We do not only learn the language, but we also get to know more about German culture. 6 months of learning A1-B1 feels fast plus there is an exam simulation that really helps
Denka Kogyo
The teaching method in Wisma Jerman is fun and very interesting. The teacher can make the students to be active in class, and they try their best to deliver the learning material in an easier way.