Kursus Bahasa Jerman A2

Anda akan belajar memahami kalimat dan ekspresi yang umum digunakan terkait dengan topik yang terkait langsung dengan keadaan langsungnya (misalnya informasi pribadi atau informasi tentang keluarganya, belanja, pekerjaan, lingkungan sekitarnya). Setelah kursus ini Anda dapat membuat dirinya dipahami dalam situasi sederhana dan rutin yang berurusan dengan pertukaran informasi yang sederhana dan langsung tentang topik yang akrab dan umum. Dapat menggambarkan latar belakang dan pendidikannya, lingkungan sekitar dan hal-hal lain yang terkait dengan kebutuhan mendesak dengan cara yang sederhana.

Rencana Pembelajaran

  1. Reading
    You will learn to read texts such as short newspaper articles, emails, advertisements and public announcement boards and then complete exercises about what you have read.

  2. Writing
    You will learn to write messages related to your everyday environment.

  3. Listening
    You will learn to listen to everyday conversations, announcements and interviews on the radio, messages on the telephone and public announcements and complete exercises about what you have heard.

  4. Speaking
    You will learn to pose and answer questions in conversations about yourself, converse about your own life and make agreements or negotiate with your conversation partner.

Rencana Pembelajaran


book a place on our popular extensive course program and enjoy learning German, with the flexibility to suit your work and school

Teaching Unit (TU) 36
Frequency 2 times per week (3 TU per day)
Time Selasa & Kamis 18:00 – 20:30
Harga Rp. 1.900.000,-

Weekend Extensive Courses

book a place on our weekend extensive course program and enjoy learning German, with the flexibility to suit your work and school

Teaching Unit (TU) 36
Frequency 1 times per week (6 TU per day)
Time Sabtu 8:00 – 13:30 / Minggu 9:00 – 14:30
Harga Rp. 2.000.000,-

Intensive Courses

book a place on our popular intensive course program and enjoy learning German, with the flexibility to suit your work and school

Teaching Unit (TU) 72
Frequency 3 times per week (4 TU per day)
Time Senin, Rabu, Jumat 17:00 – 20:30
Harga Rp. 3.500.000,-

Super Intensive Courses

book a place on our super intensive course program and enjoy learning German, with the flexibility to suit your work and school

Teaching Unit (TU) 140
Frequency 5 times per week (5 TU per day)
Time Senin – Jumat 8:00 – 11:30
Harga Rp. 5.900.000,-

Individual Courses

We offer an extensive range of specialized courses on a wide variety of topics. For example, are you looking for a course for your company? Courses can be organized to fit each company’s needs, taking place either at Wisma Jerman or at your company’s location.

For further information, please contact us: kursus@wisma-jerman.or.id  You can also call us or whatsapp us at +62 812 5234 0601.

Duration: 6 - 7 Weeks
Frequency: 1 - 5 Times per Week
Teaching Unit: 36 - 140
Level: 1/4 - 1 level
Slot Available:
State of Registration: open