
Library's Opening Hours

Senin – Kamis | 14.00 – 17.00 WIB
Jumat | 11.00 – 12.00 WIB

Contact Person and Support

Siti Aminah

Live Chat | Selasa 13.00 – 14.00 WIB

Virtual Zoom Meeting | Selasa 14.00 – 15.00 WIB
Zoom ID | 620 555 2011

At the end of 2013, the library was equipped with the Infopoint Deutsch. Here you can find a wide variety of media which help learning the German language, as well as materials and information about the German country and culture. There are also three computer workstations, a TV corner with German TV (Deutsche Welle), an extensive film collection and contemporary German literature and music.

Personal Account

Jika Anda sudah terdaftar di aplikasi kami, Anda dapat memasukkan katalog online kami (OPAC). Penggunaan OPAC yang dipersonalisasi menawarkan administrasi berikut.

  • Tampilan media pinjaman termasuk tanggal jatuh tempo
  • Memperpanjang jangka waktu pinjaman media Anda
  • Informasi tentang biaya yang terlambat dan dibayar
  • Usulan pembelian media untuk koleksi perpustakaan
  • Ikhtisar media yang anda pinjam

Bib to go

Selama pandemi, Anda dapat menikmati layanan perpustakaan Wisma Jerman, berikut langkah-langkah yang dapat dilakukan:

  • Terdaftar sebagai anggota aktif perpustakaan Wisma Jerman.
  • Please log in to your personal account on the following page: , to access the selection and search of media to be borrowed.
  • Setelah menemukan buku yang Anda cari, silakan pinjam melalui Zoom Meeting dengan menunjukkan kartu keanggotaan perpustakaan online.

Extension of the borrowing

If the media you borrow is not ordered by another user, the period of the borrowing can be extended once. You can conveniently extend your borrow period online in our library catalog, after logging into your personal account.

Returning the Media

If the media you borrow is not ordered by another user, the loan period can be extended once. You can conveniently extend your media loan period online in our library catalog, after logging into your personal account.